It's Okay to Fail
1. Failure is inevitable and that is ok
At least once in your life, you are going to fail at something and that is AMAZING! Your talent, intelligence, hard work, and/or passion will not be able to save you. Failure is inevitable. Everybody has failed, although some refuse to admit it. In fact, it was failure that produced the success stories of some of the worlds greatest leaders including myself haha.
Failure teaches you so many amazing things about what you like and don’t like, it allows you to practice, test and explore different ways of working, living and achieving so I say… FAIL OFTEN
2. You learn so much more from failing than you would from succeeding
There is always room for improvement no matter how great you are. Sometimes, you’ll never know which areas need improvement unless you fail.
3. Failure makes you stronger
Failure separates the weak from the strong. Some people fail, and they give up on their goals. Others fail, and they gain invincible strength. These people can be knocked to the ground, but they’re like those inflatable dolls. They bounce right back up. That’s what failure should do to you. It shouldn’t break or stop you. It should make you push harder to achieve your goals and dreams. You should feel as though if you could survive your present failure, you could survive anything. And trust me, you can.
4. You take more chances when you’re unafraid to fail
People who are afraid to fail play it safe. They never take chances. On the other hand, those who are unafraid to fail take insane risk. These types of people make life more enjoyable. And you never know, those risks you take when you’re unafraid to fail just might pay off.
5. Failure allows you to discover new paths.
Failure sometimes allows you’ll realize that the current path you’re on is not the right one. And that’s okay. Pivoting your journey at the right time can be an amazing thing that opens doors that you never even knew existed.
6. Failure makes success that much sweeter.
When you’ve succeeded after you’ve failed! There is n better feeling than to be proud of yourself and all that you’ve accomplished.