Mind The Gap — Giving up is cancelled!
On March 23rd 2020 all of our lives changed forever when Boris Johnson announced that the whole of the United Kingdom would be going into lockdown, this started a domino effect of chaos but some could also say creativity.
We went from being a community with specific strategies and processes of how to live and work as best as possible, to a community confused and compromised. I would have sworn we were in a Hollywood blockbuster movie like I Am Legend with all the wild things that were happening. Everything thought to be correct was now obsolete and a new way of thinking was birthed.
Companies began exploring what it meant to be completely digital and reliant on online modern technology to get them through the next few months but to also to ensure they could continue to work at optimum capacity and drive productivity.
The rebirth of creativity 🥳…
This creativity then broke into another branch and the self-starter was born again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for one second saying entrepreneurship was only formed during COVID, what I’m saying is that entrepreneurship received a spark of energy and found its self in the company of those that would never have thought of creating and running their own ventures if not for COVID.
nuous dreams, those dreams became unstructured ideas and now those ideas have become well-thought-out concepts. These concepts have been nourished and fortified by companies like Foundervine that are on a mission to change the global face of entrepreneurship and empower more startups to grow sustainable businesses from scratch.
Over the last few months, I have had the privilege of hearing in detail about a lot of these new creations and the back story that birthed them into existence.
At this moment in time, we are a nation fighting to survive an invisible threat but in that fight, we are creating new life, new dreams and new hopes for the future. There is an undeniable spirit in the air of design thinking, networking and top-level support for all of these new ventures that want to thrive, if you have a vision, this is the best time to chase that dream because all key requirements for success are inline
Support / Resources
Specifically those within the BAME community, your voice is amplified and strengthened by a movement that is unapologetically fighting for you to have the same chances to succeed as everybody else. So this is the perfect time for everyone too;
Try — Fail — Learn — Try Again — Succeed
Let’s take a look at the following ventures
Nulicoaching -Coaching brides to be to create healthy habits
Wealth8 — Digital wealth and investment management for women & millennials of Africa heritage
These are a small number of BAME companies in an ever-growing pool of success, they are living proof that in times of chaos, creativity can be born and dreams brought to life and thrive.
Companies like Foundervine are tirelessly driving the campaign to empower a future where anyone regardless background, gender or disability can have access to the resources needed to build a business from scratch. Their most recent accelerator programmes StartUp 54 and the Lambeth Business Growth Programme has not only empowered new idea creation but it has also supported the redevelopment of once stagnant projects. No matter the idea your vision is valid!!
If you desire to create a business that will not only have an impact in your current life, your future and the lives of your community then don’t miss the next set of accelerator programmes coming up at Foundervine, be the change you wish to see and create change.
Make sure you mind the gap, don’t miss the opportunities around you, take this time and:
Learn — explore everything
Live — Take all explored roads and travel them
Liberate — Empower overs with your knowledge to do the same.
In the words of Marianne Williamson,“ as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Don’t let 2020 be a write-off, let it be the start of a wild and wonderful adventure.